About ASILE Project

The ASILE project studies the interactions between emerging international protection systems and the United Nations Global Compact for Refugees (UN GCR), with particular focus on the European Union’s role and contribution. It examines the characteristics of international, country-specific and EU asylum governance instruments and arrangements and their gender and age specific impacts on individuals and sharing of responsibility from the perspective of their effectiveness, fairness and consistency with international and regional human rights and refugee law standards…

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The ASILE Global Portal is an interactive and visually attractive web platform, through which users are able to have direct access the most relevant research findings, reports and outputs in the areas of asylum, refugee and international protection in light of the UN Global Compact on Refugees (UN GCR).

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Latest Forum Contributions

Sisyphus keeps on rolling

Forum Contribution on The Partnership Approaches in the UN Global Compacts on Refugees and and Migration
May 2023

Contribution by Stefan Rother, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute

The Declaration on a Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism and EU Asylum Policy

Forum Contribution on EU Temporary Protection Responses to the Ukraine War and the Future of the EU Asylum System
7 October 2022

Closing paper contribution to the Forum on EU Temporary Protection Responses to the Ukraine War and the Future of the EU Asylum System by Sergio Carrera & Roberto Cortinovis


ASILE Highlights

The Country Papers examine and provide evidence on country-specific instruments, their material and personal scope. You will find a total of six Country Fiches: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Jordan, Niger, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia and Turkey.

Don’t miss to read the working papers produced during the project.

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