ASILE Kick-off Meeting

30-31 January 2020
CEPS, 1 Place du Congrès, Brussels, Belgium

During the 30-31 January, the ASILE partners gathered together at the CEPS premises in Brussels in order to present and debate on the work plan of the project as well as the timeline of the tasks.

The ASILE kick-off meeting provided also a good opportunity for the partners to interact and find the best venues to cooperate and complement each other’s work.


Sergio Carrera

(moderator) Senior Research Fellow and Head of JHA Unit, CEPS

Andreas Obermaier-Muresan

Project Adviser, European Commission, Research Executive Agency

Safak Pavey

Senior Adviser, UNHCR

Kathrine Starup


Cecilia Vejby Andersen


Jens Vedsted -Hansen

Professor of Law, Aarhus University

Andrew Geddes

Professor, EUI

Borhan Uddin Khan

Professor of Law, University of Dhaka

Fatima Khan

University of Cape Town

Gregor Noll

University of Gothenburg

Julian Lehmann


Maja Janmyr

University of Oslo

Cathryn Costello

University of Oslo

Lewis Turner


Thomas Spijkerboer


Meltem Ineli Ciger

Suleyman Demirel University