WATCH AGAIN – Webinar on The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

16 October 2020
Via Zoom

This ASILE project Webinar will examine the new Pact on Migration and Asylum, paying particular attention to the Pact’s proposals on international migration partnerships, global solidarity and equitable responsibility sharing with third countries. It will assess the lessons learned and ways forward of EU migration partnerships. The Webinar will cover the EU’s commitment to support refugee hosting countries. It will explore the EU’s role in ensuring access to asylum, and facilitating complementary protection instruments like resettlement, humanitarian visas and community/private sponsorships in light of the UN Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).


Sergio Carrera

Senior Research Fellow and Head of JHA Unit, CEPS

Keynote Speaker

Ylva Johansson

Commissioner for Home Affairs, European Commission


Sophie In’t Veld

MEP, European Parliament

Sophie Magennis

Head of Policy and Legal Support, UNHCR Regional Representation for EU Affairs

Andrew Geddes

Professor, Director, Migration Policy Centre, EUI

Damian Boeselager

MEP, European Parliament

Event details

Date: 16.10.2020, Friday

Time: 11:00 – 12:15

Via Zoom